Greeting Swift Families!
February may be the shortest month of the year (even during a Leap Year), but it truly feels like it is jam-packed with learning and excitement! Students just finished their mid-year math and reading exams and teachers have been using the information from each to look at student growth and determine what each student needs, whether it be more practice with certain skills or some additional small group instruction or maybe more challenging learning.
This week has also been School Counselor Appreciation Week. We are so thankful for everything Ms. Oz and Mr. Hall do for our students and families! Students have been making sweet notes and posters for our counselors. If you have an appreciation to share with them, I know they would love to hear from you!
Our Reading Specialist, Ms. Rosoff, has been encouraging all of us to learn and use some exciting new words by teaching us WOW words (Words of the Week). This week’s words were diligent and lackadaisical. Ask your child if they can explain what they mean! Ms. Rosoff has been diligently planning our Family Literacy Night on Thurs., Feb. 22. There’s more information down below in the Chimney Flyer. We hope you can join.
This month we are celebrating Black History Month and, although we include multiple perspectives and black history throughout our teaching, this is a special month to celebrate Black Excellence in our country. Students will be learning about important Black Americans and then displaying what they’ve learned throughout the school. Students will be doing a “gallery walk” at the end of the month to learn about what other classes have been studying. We’ll share pictures as the month progresses!
Only 61% of our students are attending 90% of the time. We need your help! We recognize that some of these absences are unavoidable, and we value self-care for all students. That said, students need to be here as much as possible building relationships with their teachers and peers and leaning into their academic work.