The Chapman PTA also sponsors a number of events throughout the year, and we're always looking for extra hands.
First up, we are looking for folks to help sell gear, snacks and drinks at the Chapman Swift viewings, every Friday, beginning Aug. 23 through September. This is one of our biggest fundraising opportunities, and we'll be unveiling new Chapman-branded gear fresh for the 2024-2025 school year.
Sign up here.
If you've been to a Swift Watch before, you know one of the joys for the kids (OK, and adults) is sliding down our hill on flattened cardboard. While fun, this also creates a mess that we have to clean up. If you're in the area around dusk when folks are heading home, please take a few minutes to load up the cardboard either in the holding area next to the garden or the dumpster for cardboard that's in disrepair. It's so appreciated by all who use the area outside of bird watching hours.
Questions about volunteering? Contact Caitlin Reff.