Greeting Chapman Families!
Welcome to this year’s first edition of the Chimney Flyer, our bi-monthly (more or less) school newsletter. We are two weeks in (one for our kindergartners) to what is promising to be a spectacular year. We have a few important Chapman dates coming up and I hope you can join us to help us start the year off right!
The first is our first live Round Up. This is an assembly that we do every other Friday in person. This first one of the year is always on the turf (the rest will be in the auditorium) and we would love for families to be present to witness what our students have prepared. Each grade level performs a cheer to celebrate the new grade they are in and the year ahead. It’s a joyous and unique tradition that you will not want to miss. It will happen right after drop off on the turf behind the school this Friday, Sep. 13th. (This is also the evening of the Family Fun Night that our fantastic PTA is organizing. More about that later in the newsletter.)
Our Back to School Night is Thurs., Sep. 26th. We start at 5:30 with a pizza dinner and then follow up with a presentation in the auditorium promptly at 6:00. Details about the evening will be forthcoming, just make sure you’ve saved the date!
As you hopefully know, we have a new social worker, Darcy Wilde, who will be sharing resources that may be helpful for you. Here are this week’s resources:
DACA Appointments
DACA Appointments (Español)